Monday 4 May 2015

Still small voices

As you may know, if you've been paying attention, I've been joining in with Last Line First, a flash fiction challenge run by Natalie Bowers.
The object is to write a story, in no more than 200 words, inspired by a single sentence - a last line from one of the previous week's entries.
The sentence is chosen by Natalie each week and it becomes the first line of the new entries.
It's a simple idea. Sometimes the sentence is an easy prompt, and an idea occurs to me almost straight away. Other times it takes a while for a story to present itself, and sometimes I find it impossible to come up with anything at all, but it's always fun trying. There have been some excellent last lines and I am amazed at the diversity of stories that sprout from the same sentence.
When I start to write I don't have a last the last line in mind - I just go where the idea and the story takes me. I seem, finally, to be finding my voice and, I think, growing in confidence - helped by the supportive words of encouragement from the other contributors.
I also seem to be getting good at last lines. This is a good thing since I hate the disappointment of a weak ending. So I am happy to say my latest offering was chosen to start week 16, which is also good, as it cheered up my bank holiday blues!

You can read my offering Stillness along with the other stories on Story Scavenger - Last Line First. Why not check out the latest prompt and join in? Make your still small voice heard...

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